October 2024
Fall Voice:
Dr. McKenna and Mary Wilkens present their work on laryngeal kinematic changes over vocal feminization therapy and use of vocal models for feminization training at the Fall Voice Conference in Phoenix, AZ.

August 2024
Brittany Fletcher
Congratulations to Brittany Fletcher, Ph.D., who graduated from UC’s doctoral program! Brittany is headed to Boston University for an NIH T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship.

July 2024
The VSM Lab has moved to the University of Central Florida! The VSM Lab is now part of the Communication Technologies Research Center (CTRC) and will continue to work on translational voice and swallowing research. LEARN MORE

April 2024
Factors Influencing Automatic Speech Recognition Dissertation
Brittany Fletcher, PhD, successfully defended her dissertation titled, “Factors Influencing Automatic Speech Recognition Accuracies in African American English-Speaking Children.” VIEW PDF

February 2024
Insurance Coverage for Voice Services
Ishita Dubey of the Gender Diversity Project published “Insurance coverage of gender-affirming laryngological services: An in-depth analysis in a midwestern U.S. state.” VIEW PDF

October 2024
Press Release
Dr. McKenna joins an NIH R01 grant to develop affordable voice assessment tools. LEARN MORE

August 2024
Savannah Shanley
Congratulations to VSM Lab graduate Savannah Shanley who will be a clinical fellow at Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, OH. Savannah will be helping to develop their head and neck cancer program.

June 2024
Voice Foundation Conference
Philadelphia, PA
Dr. McKenna, Savannah Shanley, and Mary Wilkens presented their research on laryngeal kinematic changes following vocal feminization surgery, prosodic changes over vocal feminization therapy, and quality of life outcomes over gender-affirming voice therapy at the annual Voice Foundation Conference held in Philadelphia, PA.

April 2024
VoMo App:
Avery Kluth presented her VoMo app work at the Proctor and Gamble Conference held at UC’s Digital Futures building.

February 2024
Gender-Diverse Patients' Awareness of Services
Jules Madzia of the Gender Diversity Project published “Gender-Diverse Patients’ Awareness and Utilization of Gender-Affirming Laryngological Services.” VIEW PDF

December 2023
Voice, Speech, & Technology Symposium
The VSM Lab hosted the Voice, Speech, & Technology Symposium with guest speakers and poster presentations. Pictured: Rachel Roberts, Claudia Volman, and Amna Mira. VIEW PDF

October 2023
Fall Voice Conference: Presentation
Dr. McKenna and Amna Mira presented posters at the Fall Voice Conference in Washington, DC. VIEW PDF

August 2023
Ohio Speech-Language Hearing Association Seed Grant
Brittany Fletcher received an Ohio Speech-Language Hearing Association Seed Grant for her dissertation work which will examine automatic speech recognition accuracy for African American English-speaking children. LEARN MORE

June 2023
Boston Speech Motor Control Symposium: Presentation
Haley Doerr presented her research on the relationship between supraglottic constriction and an acoustic measure of tension in patients with unilateral vocal fold immobility. Haley also received the Dysphonia International award to travel to the conference- congrats Haley! LEARN MORE

December 2023
An NIH R21 grant was awarded to Dr. McKenna and collaborators Vesna Novak, Renee Gustin, and Tara McCallister (NYU) to develop online pitch and resonance training exercises for vocal feminization. LEARN MORE

October 2023
Gender Diversity Project: Presentation
Shanna Stryker, M.D., presented “Vocal congruence and safety: The medical necessity of gender-affirming vocal therapy” at the USPATH Scientific Symposium in Westminster, CO.

July 2023
Voice, Speech, and Technology Symposium
The VSM Lab hosted the Voice, Speech, & Technology Symposium a UC’s Health Sciences Building.

December 2022
American Journal of
Pathology: Publication
McKenna, V.S., Gustin, R.L., Hobek, A.L., Howell, R.J., Dickinson, T.E., Shanley, S.N., & Patel, T.H. (2022). Factors related to treatment attendance for patients seeking gender-affirming voice therapy. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, in press. VIEW PDF

December 2022
Acoustical Society of America: Presentation
McKenna, V.S., Llico, A.F., Friedman, A.D., Shanley, S.N., Talavage, T., & Bamford, L.M. (2022). “Developing a voice monitoring smartphone app: Acoustic acquisition and processing considerations.” Acoustical Society of America, Nashville, TN. VIEW PDF

November 2022
Brittany Fletcher, M.S., CCC-SLP presented her work "Fricative production in typical and disordered speakers: Acoustic analysis of Jamaican Preschooler's speech productions" at the National ASHA Convention.

July 2022
UPRISE: Presentation
Mary Wilkens, undergraduate in CSD, participated in the Undergraduates Pursing Research in Science and Engineering (UPRISE) program this summer in the VSM Lab. Her final project was titled, "Technological and Educational Initiatives to Improve Voice Outcomes."

July 2022
Early Contributions
in Research Award
Congratulations to Dr. McKenna for receiving the prestigious Early Career Contributions in Research Award for 2022 ASHA. This award recognizes significant scientific accomplishments in individuals within the first five years of receiving their doctoral degree.

June 2022
Voice Foundation: Presentation
Gustin, R.L., Dickinson, T.E., Shanley, S.N., Howell, R.J., Hobek, A.L., Patel, T.H., & McKenna, V.S. (2022). "Acoustic outcomes in Patients seeking Voice Feminization: Investigation into Articulatory and Spectral Measures.” Voice Foundation, Philadelphia, PA.

April 2022
Transforming Health Conference: Presentation
McKenna, V.S. (2022). “Gender-Affirming Voice Care: Improving Therapeutic Targets and Treatment Access.” TransForming Healthcare: Equity and Access for Transgender Health, Cincinnati, OH. Click below for more information on the event: Link
March 2022
Grant Award
The VSM Lab has been awarded the "Next Lives Here Urban Health Pathway Seed Grant" to examine the relationship between vocal congruence and wellness in gender-diverse patients. Dr. McKenna will be partnering with Sarah Pickle, M.D., Shanna Stryker, M.D., Renee Gustin, M.S., CCC-SLP, and Equitas Health to complete the project.

December 2022
Voice, Speech, and Technology Symposium
The VSM Lab hosted their second bi-annual symposium to bring together researchers from the greater Cincinnati community to discuss innovative technologies. Speaker's included: Brittany Krekeler, Ph.D., CCC-SLP; Rachel Hahn Arkenberg, M.S., CCC-SLP; and Aaron Friedman, M.D.

November 2022
ASHA Conference:
McKenna, V.S., Llico, A.F., & Howell, R.J. (2022). “Vocal fold kinematics for volitional and reflexive cough in healthy adults using high-speed flexible laryngoscopy.” American Speech-Language and Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.

November 2022
ASHA: Meritorious
Poster Award
Congratulations to Cora Ling and our collaborators at Indiana University for receiving a Meritorious Poster Award from ASHA, 2022! This merit was awarded to < 5% of all posters at the ASHA National Convention.

July 2022
Voice, Speech, and Technology Symposium
The VSM Lab hosted the first Voice, Speech, & Technology Symposium, a collaborator effort with UC Laryngology to bring together scientists to discuss innovative research projects in the speech and voice sciences. Congratulations to Jacqueline Meriwether and Andres Llico for their presentation, "Voice and cough function in individuals who use e-cigarettes."

July 2022
Journal of Voice:
Reid, K., McKenna, V.S., & Smith, D. (2022). Mitigating dysphonia, pain, and vocal handicap after violent videogame voice overs: A pilot investigation into Vocal Combat Technique Training. Journal of Voice, in press. VIEW PDF

June 2022
Voice Foundation:
Congratulations to Kelly Carraro and Lauren Humpert for presenting their posters at the Voice Foundation Conference in Philadelphia! Their projects included a scoping review of Relative Fundamental Frequency and Acoustic Monitoring of Nocturnal Chronic Cough.

April 2022
Praise: Presentation
Meriwether, J., Wesley, S., McKenna, V.S., & Welden, K. (2022). “Use of pharyngeal high-resolution manometry (pHRM) in dysphagia treatment.” PraIse Conference, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.

Feb 2022
Grand Rounds
Gustin, R.L., McKenna, V.S., Stryker, S., & Howell, R.J. (2022). “Gender Diverse Healthcare: Providing Compliant and Competent Care.” UC Health Laryngology Grant Rounds, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.

December 2021
Journal of Voice:
McKenna, V.S., Gustin, R.L., Howell, R.J., Patel, T.H., Emery, M.B., Kendall, C.L., & Kelliher, N.J. (2021). Developing educational health modules to improve vocal wellness in mask-wearing occupational voice users. Journal of Voice, in press. VIEW PDF

August 2021
Ohio Society for Respiratory Care: Presentation
McKenna, V.S. & Gustin, R.L. “Masks and Vocal Health: Strategies for Mask-wearing workers.” Ohio Society for Respiratory Care Annual Meeting and Conference, Columbus, Ohio.

July 2021
NIH Loan Repayment Program
Congratulations to Dr. McKenna for receiving an NIH Loan Repayment Award Renewal for 2021-2022. Click link for more information about this NIH program.

July 2021
The ASHA Advancing Academic-Research Career (AARC) Award aims to support academic and research career advancement for junior faculty. Dr. McKenna will be working on her project "Advancing Culturally Responsive Practices in the Speech Sciences" from 2021-2023.

June 2021
Journal of Voice: Publication
McKenna, V.S., Patel, T.H., Kendall, C.L., Howell, R.J., & Gustin, R.L. “Voice acoustics and vocal effort in mask-wearing healthcare professionals: A comparison pre- and post-workday.” Journal of Voice. VIEW PDF

May 2021
Undergraduate Students Receive Excellence Award
Kelly Carraro and Lauren Humpert were awarded Excellence in Communication for their Senior Capstone Project: Improving Vocal Health in mask-wearing community workers. Check-out their award-winning presentation!

February 2021
Faculty Scholars Research Award
Dr. McKenna has been awarded a 2-year grant aimed to develop vocal monitoring tools for chronic voice disorders. She was chosen as 1 of 8 pre-tenured faculty members in a university-wide competition to receive this award as part of the inaugural University Research Council (URC) faculty scholars program.

October 2021
Fall Voice
Congratulations to Tara Dickinson and Savannah Shanley for presenting our work at the Fall Voice Conference in Miami, Florida. To check-out their poster, VIEW HERE.

August 2021
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Congratulations to Tara Dickinson for being awarded a prestigious Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship through UC's College of Medicine. Tara completed a 10-week intensive fellowship with oversight from Dr. McKenna, Dr. Friedman, and Renee Gustin. Her major project examined attendance trends in gender diverse patients seeking gender-affirming vocal care.

July 2021
McKenna, V.S., Kendall, C.L., Patel, T.H., Howell, R.J., & Gustin, R.L. Impact of face masks on speech acoustics and vocal effort in healthcare professionals. The Laryngoscope, 0, 1-7. VIEW PDF

June 2021
Second Place
Poster Award
Congratulations to Tulsi Patel, Courtney Kendall, and Dr. McKenna for receiving second place at the Boston Speech Motor Control Symposium for their poster "Voice Acoustics and Vocal Effort in Mask Wearing Healthcare Professionals: A Comparison Pre- and Post-Workday." View their award winning poster here.

May 2021
Faculty Development
Dr. McKenna received a UC Faculty Development Award to receive Emergency Medical Response Training to help ensure safety for research participants. She will complete the training over the summer months.

March 2021
Graduate Students Awarded Research Fellowships
Mariah Emery and Tulsi Patel were each awarded Graduate Student Government Research Fellowships for the remainder of their graduate program studies. Mariah received an award of $1000 to collect and analyze data related to masked communication, whereas Tulsi received $1500 to complete an interdisciplinary project with biomedical engineering. The VSM Lab is proud of them both!

February 2021
COVID-19 Critical Community Challenge Grant
The VSM Lab has been awarded a continuation of the COVID-19 Critical Community Challenge Grant, titled "Phase 4: Behavioral and Acoustic Changes following Vocal Education: An assessment of how online tutorials improve communication patterns in mask-wearing healthcare workers."

November 2020
COVID-19 Critical Community Challenge Grant
The VSM Lab has been awarded a continuation of the COVID-19 Critical Community Challenge Grant, titled "Phase 3: Promoting Vocal Wellness in Mask-wearing Community Workers: A Community Outreach Initiative."

September 2020
COVID-19 Critical Community Challenge Grant
The VSM Lab is awarded funds to continue with Phase 2 of the COVID-19 Critical Community Challenge Grant, which seeks to develop educational modules to address communication problems and vocal health in healthcare workers. This grant is funded by the Center for Clinical & Translational Science and the NIH's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS). (Pictured: Tulsi Patel, B.S. and Victoria McKenna, Ph.D).

May 2020
Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: Publication
Groll, M.D., McKenna, V.S., Hablani, S., & Stepp, C.E. (2020). Formant-Estimated Vocal Tract Length and Extrinsic Laryngeal Muscle Activation During Modulation of Vocal Effort in Healthy Speakers. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63, 1395-1403. VIEW PDF

September 2020
Ash Foundation New Investigator Grant Award
Dr. McKenna has been award the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation New Investigator Grant for her project "Sensorimotor Reflexes in Hyperfunctional Voice Disorders." This 1-year grant will provide funds for pilot data for a larger NIH submission.

July 2020
COVID-19 Critical Community Challenge Grant
The Center for Clinical & Translational Science and Training at Cincinnati awarded Dr. McKenna a grant to assess the impact of mask use on acoustics and vocal fatigue in health care workers. The project is funded through the NIH's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS).

February 2020
Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: Publication
McKenna, V.S., Hylkema, J.A., Tardif, M.C., & Stepp, C.E. (2020). Voice onset time in individuals with hyperfunctional voice disorders: Evidence for disordered vocal motor control. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63, 405-420. VIEW PDF

November 2019
Women's Health Symposium (Lafayette, IN)
McKenna, V.S. "Voice Disorders in Women: Prevalence and Risk Factors Contributing to Reported Voice Problems."

July 2019
Mi-Bio Summit on Flexible and Stretchable Bioelectronics (Lafayette, IN)
McKenna, V.S., Alvar, A.M., Zañartu, M., Malandraki, G.A., & Huber, J.E. "Neck-surface accelerometry in voice and swallowing research."

June 2019
Boston Speech Motor Control Symposium
(Boston, MA)
McKenna, V.S., & Huber, J.E. "The accuracy of respiratory calibration methods for estimating lung volume during speech breathing: A comparison of four methods across three adult cohorts.”
(Pictured right: Matias Zañartu, Ph.D.)

May 2019
Voice Foundation:
McKenna, V.S., & Stepp, C.E. "The relationship between acoustical and perceptual measures of vocal effort."

April 2019
Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: Publication
McKenna, V.S., Diaz-Cadiz, M.E., Shembel, A.C., Enos, N.M., & Stepp, C.E. (2019). The relationship between physiological mechanisms and the self-perception of vocal effort. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62(4), 815-834. VIEW PDF

August 2019
Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: Publication
McKenna, V.S., & Huber, J.E. (2019) The accuracy of respiratory calibration methods for estimationg lung volume during speech breathing: A comparison of four methods across three adult cohors. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62, 2632-2644. VIEW PDF

July 2019
Honors of NSSLHA
National Organization
Awarded to Victoria McKenna for service to the organization and commitment to undergraduate and graduate students within the field of CSD.
(Pictured left: McKayla Schloemer, Purdue Grad class 2021)

June 2019
Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: Publication
Diaz Cadiz, M., McKenna, V.S., Vojtech, J.M., Stepp, C.E. (2019). Adductory vocal fold kinematic trajectories during conventional versus high-speed videoendoscopy. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62, 1685-1706. VIEW PDF

May 2019
Cerebral Symposium
(Lafayette, IN)
McKenna, V.S., & Huber, J.E. "The accuracy of respiratory calibration methods for estimating lung volume during speech breathing: A comparison of four methods across three adult cohorts.”

April 2019
International Conference of Voice Physicology Biomechanics
McKenna, V.S., Diaz-Cadiz, M.E., Shembel, A.C., Enos, N.M., & Stepp, C.E. "The relationship between physiological mechanisms and the self-perception of vocal effort. (Pictured: STEPP lab for Sensorimotor Rehabilitation Engineering)

September 2018
The Acoustical Society of America: Publication
McKenna, V.S., & Stepp, C.E. (2018). The relationship between acoustical and perceptual measures of vocal effort. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144(3), 1643-1658. VIEW PDF